Covers the Following Issues
Separation anxiety (SDS), eating disorders (poop etc.), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), fear of other dogs, fear of humans, loud noises (storms & thunder), walk anxiety, whining (barking), fear of Vets/Groomers, hiding, running off (in fear).

Program Details
This program deals with the challenging issue of fear and phobias.  After a thorough behaviour assessment, we will provide you with a detailed, customized therapy plan to help you and your dog. We will explain in detail the root causes of the problem, but more importantly how we are going to fix it.  Natural Dog Behaviour has a exacting process to determine the problem through a proper assessment then building the therapy plan to meet the specific needs of the problem, the dog and the owners.

Fear is a very delicate balance between building confidence in the dog, counter-conditioning and desensitizing while not reinforcing old triggers.  If requires the skill of a trained and certified behaviourist – NOT a dog trainer!  Owners are reminded that often they can be part of the problem and to not take it personally.

For more information on working with a certified behaviourist please click here:

We start with a proper assessment which establishes our behaviour baseline.  The program is then customized to the actual problem, dog and owner, then during the sessions you will be shown each exercise, how it works and why.  There will be weekly updates required to make sure that the program is being followed, and owners are reminded to be patient with the process.


1 – 60 minute assessment session (private, in-home)
4 – 60 minute learning sessions (private, in-home)


Clinical Behaviour Assessment
Therapies and Exercises
Treatment Plan Homework
Weekly updates
Unlimited email and phone support (for life of dog)

Cost: $565.00 (price may vary due to the severity of your individual problem or number of dogs)

Please submit a request here:

Natural Dog Calgary Edmonton