Natural Dog provides our in-home service regardless of where you live, so don’t let the fact that you live outside the Edmonton area stop you from getting the help you need.

Here’s How it Works
Call for your free phone consult to determine which program suits your problem. We will then compress that program into a 4-5hr clinic that will be done privately at your home. The behaviourist will take you through the complete program during that clinic.

Our responsibility is to provide you with key skills to change the behaviour issue you are having, not cure you dog in one day.

Clinic Details
Here is what is included in the day clinic.

Typical Program:
– Orientation, Behaviour Assessment and Plan Details (1/2 hr )
– Program implementation (therapies & exercises – (2.5-3 hrs)
– Handouts and additional information (as needed)
– 3 Email, Phone or Video follow-ups (as needed) *

Due to the complex nature of behavioural issues, each case is assessed on its own merits.

There is an additional travel charge based on distance to your specific location. This covers travel and fuel costs and is in addition to the cost of the Program Clinic.

Please submit a request here:

Natural Dog Calgary Edmonton