Dog Behaviour vs. Dog Training?

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What is the Difference? The discussion often comes up on the differences (or similiarities) between dog training and dog behaviour.  People who are dog trainers will glibly point out that there ‘are no degrees in dog behaviour’ – this is … Continued

How Do You Define Punishment?

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Punishment, or the use of aversives, force, coercion, or physical corrections in order to change an animal’s behaviour is commonly used by the general pet owner and by many dog trainers. Some punishments are seemingly innocuous, such as squirting a … Continued

Dog Intelligence

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How smart is a dog? The problem with understanding the intelligence of dogs is our obsession with comparing it to something – our human brains struggle with a reference point for that intelligence when there really isn’t one. There are … Continued

My Name is Jock

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Hello, my name is Jock and I am a West Highland Terrier, I’m looking for good people to adopt me. I decided to go over a few things that I need in an owner, so there will be less arsin’ … Continued

Efficacy: What determines success?

The biggest challenge in behavior work is determining why therapies work for some people and not for others. I have thought about this over the years and has worked diligently on giving better service to the clients, communicating effectively and … Continued